quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012
sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012
7th Kompany (POR) - http://www.7thkompany.com/
Acorn Models (NZ) - http://www.acornmodels.co.nz/
Ainsty-castings (UK) - http://www.ainstycastings.co.uk/ - 25/28mm accessories
Ainsty-castings (UK) - http://www.ainstycastings.co.uk/ - 25/28mm accessories
Always Model (HK) - http://www.alwaysmodel.com/index.htm
Amera - http://www.amera.co.uk/
Antics Online - http://www.anticsonline.co.uk/
Antenocitis Workshop - http://www.antenocitisworkshop.com/ - Wargames supplies
Antenocitis Workshop - http://www.antenocitisworkshop.com/ - Wargames supplies
Arcade Crafts - http://www.arcadecrafts.co.uk/about.php
Artemis Black's - http://www.artemisblacks.com/ - mostly 28mm for wargaming
Artemis Black's - http://www.artemisblacks.com/ - mostly 28mm for wargaming
ATP Kits - http://www.atpkits.co.uk/catalog/
AviationMegastore http://www.aviationmegastore.com/?shopi ... 78a60654d6
BAM GmbH (Germany) - http://www.buyamodel-shop.de/
Basecrafts - http://basecrafts.com/index.php/ - accessories
Basecrafts - http://basecrafts.com/index.php/ - accessories
Battle Force (ITA) - http://www.battleforce.it/
Battalions and Hordes (Nederlands) - http://www.bat-hor.com/en/index.html
B.B. wargames - http://www.bbwargames.co.uk/
Bicorne Miniatures (UK) - http://www.bicorne.net/catalog/ - 25mm mostly napoleonic figures
Black Hat (UK) - http://www.blackhat.co.uk/online_shop/ - 15, 18, 25, 28mm
Britannia Miniatures - http://www.britannia-miniatures.com/catalog/ - 20, 25, 28mm
BSM Modellismo (Italy) - http://www.bsmmodellismo.it/
B.B. wargames - http://www.bbwargames.co.uk/
Bicorne Miniatures (UK) - http://www.bicorne.net/catalog/ - 25mm mostly napoleonic figures
Black Hat (UK) - http://www.blackhat.co.uk/online_shop/ - 15, 18, 25, 28mm
Britannia Miniatures - http://www.britannia-miniatures.com/catalog/ - 20, 25, 28mm
BSM Modellismo (Italy) - http://www.bsmmodellismo.it/
CMK shop (CZK Rep.) - http://www.cmkkits.com/en/
D-9 Models - http://www.d-9models.co.uk/
Dark Sword Miniatures - 28 and 54mm (US) - http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/
Dark Sword Miniatures - 28 and 54mm (US) - http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/
DC Kits - http://www.dckits.co.uk/
Der Sockelshop (GER) - http://www.sockelshop.de/catalog/index.php
Dixon Miniatures (UK) - http://www.dixon-minis.com/index.php
e-minis - (SP) - http://www.e-minis.net/
Dixon Miniatures (UK) - http://www.dixon-minis.com/index.php
e-minis - (SP) - http://www.e-minis.net/
E-Models - http://www.emodels.co.uk
Eureka Miniatures (NZ) - http://www.eurekamin.com.au/ - from 2mm to 40mm
Elhiem Figures - http://elhiemfigures.com/
FandSscalemodels http://www.fandsscalemodels.co.uk
Fantasy Printshop http://www.fantasyprintshop.co.uk/default.aspx
Fighting 15s (UK) - http://www.fighting15sshop.co.uk/ - 10, 15, 28, 40mm
Flag Dude (USA) - http://flagdude.com/ - Flags
Flames of War webshop - http://www.flamesofwar.com/online_store.aspx?CategoryID=9640 - WWII 1:100 wargaming
Fighting 15s (UK) - http://www.fighting15sshop.co.uk/ - 10, 15, 28, 40mm
Flag Dude (USA) - http://flagdude.com/ - Flags
Flames of War webshop - http://www.flamesofwar.com/online_store.aspx?CategoryID=9640 - WWII 1:100 wargaming
Flightpath http://www.djparkins.com/
Frontier Models http://www.frontiermodels.co.uk/
Galaxy Model & Hobbies - http://www.galaxymodels.co.uk/new/index.asp
Godalming Radio Control Models - http://www.radiocontrolmodels.co.uk/
GrandManner - http://www.grandmanner.co.uk/ - 28mm all periods, 40mm AWI/ACW, 20mm WWII
Ground Zero Games / GZG - http://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/ - 15mm Sci-fi and other
Grubby Tanks - http://www.grubbytanks.com/catalog/ - 15, 20mm XX century
GrandManner - http://www.grandmanner.co.uk/ - 28mm all periods, 40mm AWI/ACW, 20mm WWII
Ground Zero Games / GZG - http://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/ - 15mm Sci-fi and other
Grubby Tanks - http://www.grubbytanks.com/catalog/ - 15, 20mm XX century
Hannants - http://www.hannants.co.uk/
Harfields UK - http://www.harfields.com/Index.aspx
Hereford Model centre - http://www.herefordmodels.co.uk/
Heroics&Ros - http://www.heroicsandros.co.uk/
Heroics&Ros - http://www.heroicsandros.co.uk/
Historex Agents - http://www.historexagents.com/shop/hxshop.php
(The) Hobby Box - http://www.thehobbybox.co.uk/thbshop.php
Hobby Link Japan (US) - http://www.hlj.com/index.html
Homecrafts Direct - http://www.homecrafts.co.uk/
Irregular Miniatures - http://www.irregularminiatures.co.uk/ - from 2mm to 73mm
Irregular Miniatures - http://www.irregularminiatures.co.uk/ - from 2mm to 73mm
Jadar Hobby shop Poland - http://www.jadarhobby.pl/index.php?language=en
Jadar Model (PL) - http://www.jadar.com.pl/start-a.htm
J Perkins - http://www.jperkinsdistribution.co.uk/
Kamar-Zinnfiguren (Germany) - http://www.kamar-zinnfiguren.de/
KF 1/72 (Germany) - http://www.fuhrmann-figuren.de/
King Kit - http://www.kingkit.co.uk/
KitKrazy - http://www.kitkrazy.com/
Lancashire Games shop - http://shop.lancashiregames.co.uk/cubecart/ - 15 and 25mm figures
Lancashire Games shop - http://shop.lancashiregames.co.uk/cubecart/ - 15 and 25mm figures
Langley Models - http://www.langleymodels.co.uk/ (wheels!)
Le Royaume du Soldat (Belgium) - http://www.leroyaumedusoldat.be/home-nl.htm
Lemax Village Collectibles - http://www.lemaxvillages.com/servlet/StoreFront
Linear-B (France )- http://www.linearbfrance.com/
Linear-B (Germany)- http://www.linear-b.com/
Little-Cars.com - http://www.little-cars.co.uk/
LSA Models- http://www.lsamodels.co.uk/
McKeeman Models - http://www.mckeemanmodels.co.uk
Michigan Toy Soldier Company (USA) - http://www.michtoy.com/
Microscale http://www.microscale.com/products.htm
Mig Productions ESP, - http://migproductions.com/
Model Catalogue - http://www.themodelcatalogue.com/
Model Hobbies UK - http://www.modelhobbies.co.uk/shop/
Model Plaza (Netherlands) - http://www.modelplaza.nl/
Model Trains 4 U - http://www.modeltrains4u.co.uk/
Modellbau Kölbel (Germany) - http://www.modellbau-koelbel.de/
Modellismo Delle Piane (Italy) - http://www.dellepiane.net/index.htm
Modellismo Delle Piane (Italy) - http://www.dellepiane.net/index.htm
Models2u - http://www.models2u.co.uk/
Models For Sale.Com - http://www.modelsforsale.com/
ModelZone - http://www.modelzone.co.uk/
Moduni, Scheuer & Strüver (Germany) - http://www.moduni.de
Monsters In Motion - http://www.monstersinmotion.com/cart/index.php
MR & ME World Of Models - http://www.mrme.biz/shop/cat1_1.htm
Net Merchants - http://www.netmerchants.co.uk/
OnTracks (UK)- http://www.ontrackscart.co.uk
Pendraken Miniatures - 10mm (UK) - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/
Reaper Miniatures - 28mm (US)- http://www.reapermini.com/
Pendraken Miniatures - 10mm (UK) - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/
Reaper Miniatures - 28mm (US)- http://www.reapermini.com/
Relish Models - http://www.relishmodels.co.uk/
RH Models (UK) - http://www.rhmodels.com/
Sarissa Precision (UK) - http://www.sarissa-precision.co.uk/ - Buildings & Accessories from 15 to 28mm
Sarissa Precision (UK) - http://www.sarissa-precision.co.uk/ - Buildings & Accessories from 15 to 28mm
SBX Model Shop - http://www.sbxmodelshop.co.uk
Scotia Grendel Productions - 1/300 to 28mm (UK) - http://www.scotiagrendel.com/
Scotia Grendel Productions - 1/300 to 28mm (UK) - http://www.scotiagrendel.com/
SGK Modellbau (Germany) - http://www.sgk-modellbau.de
SHQ Miniatures - http://www.shqminiatures.com/Sitefiles/main.php
Skytrex - http://www.skytrex.com/
Smallscale - http://www.smallscale.de/index1.html
SHQ Miniatures - http://www.shqminiatures.com/Sitefiles/main.php
Skytrex - http://www.skytrex.com/
Smallscale - http://www.smallscale.de/index1.html
Sprue Brothers Models (USA) - http://www.spruebrothers.com/
Squadron - http://www.squadron.com/
Squires Tools - http://www.squirestools.com/
Steve Barber Models - http://www.sbarber-models.clara.net/main.html - from 10 to 42mm
Steve Barber Models - http://www.sbarber-models.clara.net/main.html - from 10 to 42mm
Super-Hobby (PL) - http://www.model-making.eu/
Sussex Model Centre - http://www.sussex-model-centre.co.uk/
The Magic Toy Box - http://www.magictoybox-online.co.uk/acatalog/index.html
The Troll Trader - http://www.trolltrader.co.uk/index.asp - 28mm gaming
The Troll Trader - http://www.trolltrader.co.uk/index.asp - 28mm gaming
The Modeller (UK) - http://www.themodeller.co.uk
Toys & More (Germany) - http://www.cw-toys.de/ (own figures also here: http://cw-miniatures.blogspot.com/ )
Toys & More (Germany) - http://www.cw-toys.de/ (own figures also here: http://cw-miniatures.blogspot.com/ )
Tumblingdice - (UK) http://www.tumblingdiceuk.com/aircraft.html
Udisco - Montreal (Canada) - https://www.udisco.com/index.php
Warbases - http://www.warbases.co.uk/ - accessories
WD Models - http://www.wdmodels.com/ - Manufacturer and online shop
Westbourne Model Centre - http://www.westbourne-model.co.uk
Wonderland Models - http://www.wonderlandmodels.net
Woodrow's war store (Canada) - http://www.toysoldiers.ca/
domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012
Academy - http://www.academy.co.kr
Aeroclub - info@aeroclub-models.com
Aim72 - http://www.aim72.co.uk/Contents.htm
Airfix - http://www.Airfix.com
Armourfast - http://armourfast.com/
Britannia Miniatures - http://www.britannia-miniatures.com/catalog/ - 20, 25, 28mm
Corgi - http://www.corgi.co.uk
DACO Products (DACO/Skyline Decals/Skyline Models/Astra Decals) - http://ultra.glo.be/daco
Dapol - http://www.dapol.co.uk
Dragon Models (Panda Models/Dragon/Dragon Figures/Dragon Armor/Dragon Wings) - http://www.dragon-models.com
Eastern Express - http://www.ee-group.ru
Eduard Model Accessories - http://www.eduard.cz/
FBMinis - http://fbminis.blogspot.com/
Fiddlers Green Card Models - http://www.fiddlersgreen.net/
Flattops And More - http://www.flattopsandmore.com
Garage Exclusive Models - http://garageexclusivemodels.blogspot.com/
Gold Medal Models - http://goldmm.com/
Hasegawa - http://www.Hasegawa-model.co.jp
Heller - http://www.heller.fr/
Hirst Arts (incl Moulding Tips) - http://www.hirstarts.com/
Hornby - http://www.hornby.com/pages/home.aspx
ICM - http://www.icm.com.ua
Italeri - http://www.italeri.com/products.aspx
J Minis - http://www.wix.com/jminis/jminis - accessories 1:144
Kopro (ex-Kovozavody Prostejov/KP) - http://www.kopro.net
Mars - http://www.marsfigures.com/
Matador Models - http://www.matadormodels.co.uk/
Matchboxkits - http://www.matchboxkits.org/
Miniature Figurines Production - http://www.miniaturefigurines.co.uk/Home.aspx
Miniwing - http://www.miniwing.cz - planes at 1:144
MMS Models (White Metal) - http://www.mmsmodels.co.uk/
Model Dockyard - http://www.model-dockyard.com/
Model Slipway.Com - http://www.modelslipway.com/
MPM (Azur/Best Choice/CMK/CONDOR/COOPERATIVA/ELF/MPM/Special Hobby/Special Navy/WWP) - http://www.mpm.cz/english.asp
PJ Productions - http://www.pjproduction.net
Revell-Germany - http://www.Revell.de/typo3/en/?L=1
Revell-US - http://www.Revell-monogram.com/home.html
RODEN - http://www.rodenplant.com
Rusty Rail - http://www.rustyrail.com/
Scale Scenes - http://scalescenes.com/
See Vee Models - http://www.seaveemodels.com/
Sirmar Model Ship Fittings - Squires - http://www.sirmarmodelships.com/
Skytrex - http://www.skytrex.com
Superquick Kits - http://www.superquick.co.uk/
Tamiya Japan - http://www.Tamiya.com/english/e-home.htm
Tamiya USA - http://www.tamiyausa.com/
The Square (with shop) - http://thesquare-wargames.co.uk/shop/ - wargaming from 6mm to 20mm
Trumpeter - http://www.trumpeter-china.com
TQD Castings - http://www.cpmodelsminiatures.co.uk/index.htm
Veni Vidi Vici - http://www.3vwargames.co.uk/
White Ensign Models - http://www.whiteensignmodels.com
Zvezda - http://www.zvezda.org.ru/?lng=eng
Aeroclub - info@aeroclub-models.com
Aim72 - http://www.aim72.co.uk/Contents.htm
Airfix - http://www.Airfix.com
Armourfast - http://armourfast.com/
Britannia Miniatures - http://www.britannia-miniatures.com/catalog/ - 20, 25, 28mm
Corgi - http://www.corgi.co.uk
DACO Products (DACO/Skyline Decals/Skyline Models/Astra Decals) - http://ultra.glo.be/daco
Dapol - http://www.dapol.co.uk
Dragon Models (Panda Models/Dragon/Dragon Figures/Dragon Armor/Dragon Wings) - http://www.dragon-models.com
Eastern Express - http://www.ee-group.ru
Eduard Model Accessories - http://www.eduard.cz/
FBMinis - http://fbminis.blogspot.com/
Fiddlers Green Card Models - http://www.fiddlersgreen.net/
Flattops And More - http://www.flattopsandmore.com
Garage Exclusive Models - http://garageexclusivemodels.blogspot.com/
Gold Medal Models - http://goldmm.com/
Hasegawa - http://www.Hasegawa-model.co.jp
Heller - http://www.heller.fr/
Hirst Arts (incl Moulding Tips) - http://www.hirstarts.com/
Hornby - http://www.hornby.com/pages/home.aspx
ICM - http://www.icm.com.ua
Italeri - http://www.italeri.com/products.aspx
J Minis - http://www.wix.com/jminis/jminis - accessories 1:144
Kopro (ex-Kovozavody Prostejov/KP) - http://www.kopro.net
Mars - http://www.marsfigures.com/
Matador Models - http://www.matadormodels.co.uk/
Matchboxkits - http://www.matchboxkits.org/
Miniature Figurines Production - http://www.miniaturefigurines.co.uk/Home.aspx
Miniwing - http://www.miniwing.cz - planes at 1:144
MMS Models (White Metal) - http://www.mmsmodels.co.uk/
Model Dockyard - http://www.model-dockyard.com/
Model Slipway.Com - http://www.modelslipway.com/
MPM (Azur/Best Choice/CMK/CONDOR/COOPERATIVA/ELF/MPM/Special Hobby/Special Navy/WWP) - http://www.mpm.cz/english.asp
PJ Productions - http://www.pjproduction.net
Revell-Germany - http://www.Revell.de/typo3/en/?L=1
Revell-US - http://www.Revell-monogram.com/home.html
RODEN - http://www.rodenplant.com
Rusty Rail - http://www.rustyrail.com/
Scale Scenes - http://scalescenes.com/
See Vee Models - http://www.seaveemodels.com/
Sirmar Model Ship Fittings - Squires - http://www.sirmarmodelships.com/
Skytrex - http://www.skytrex.com
Superquick Kits - http://www.superquick.co.uk/
Tamiya Japan - http://www.Tamiya.com/english/e-home.htm
Tamiya USA - http://www.tamiyausa.com/
The Square (with shop) - http://thesquare-wargames.co.uk/shop/ - wargaming from 6mm to 20mm
Trumpeter - http://www.trumpeter-china.com
TQD Castings - http://www.cpmodelsminiatures.co.uk/index.htm
Veni Vidi Vici - http://www.3vwargames.co.uk/
White Ensign Models - http://www.whiteensignmodels.com
Zvezda - http://www.zvezda.org.ru/?lng=eng
3D model Studio - http://www.dddhk.com/
A Call To Arms - http://www.acalltoarms.co.uk/
AB Figures - http://www.abfigures.co.uk/ - figures and accessories for WWII
Airfix - http://www.airfix.com/
BUM - http://www.bumslot.com/
Caesar - http://www.miniknight.com/
Coates & Shine
Czech Master's Kits
Dark Dream Studio
Eagle Games - http://www.eaglegames.net/
Empress Miniatures (with shop) - http://www.empressminiatures.com/index.htm - Several ranges at 28mm; WWII at 20mm
Eureka Miniatures (with shop) - http://eurekamin.com.au/
Frank Ziegler
Fredericus-Rex - http://www.fredericus-rex.de/
FreeBooTer Miniatures (with shop) - http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/ - 30mm figures
Germania Figuren
Gunthwaite Miniatures - http://www.gunthwaite.co.uk/
HaT- http://www.hat.com/
Hecker & Goros - http://www.hecker-goros.de/
Italeri - http://www.italeri.com/
Legio - http://legio.miniatures.free.fr/
Linear-b - http://www.linear-b.com/shop/start
Lucky Toys - http://www.toysoldiersfim.com/
Mars - http://www.marsfigures.com/
Miniart - http://www.miniart-models.com/
Miniature Figurines Production - http://www.miniaturefigurines.co.uk/Home.aspx
MJ Figures (with shop) - http://mjfigures.co.uk/
New Line Designs (with shop) - http://newlinedesigns.co.uk/
Nikolai - http://www.diorama-dreamland.at/
Orion - http://figurki.com.ua/
Pegasus - http://pegasushobbies.net/catalog/
Pendraken Miniatures (with shop) - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/ - mostly 10mm figures
Phersuminiatures - http://sites.google.com/site/phersuminiatures/Home
Plastic Soldier - http://www.theplasticsoldiercompany.co.uk/
Preiser - http://www.figuren.de/
RedBox - http://theredbox.com.ua/
Redeoubt Enterprises (with shop) - http://www.redoubtenterprises.com/shop/ - 25/28mm
Revell - http://www.revell.de/en/
Strelets - http://www.strelets-r.com/Index.html
Valdemar - http://www.valdemarminiatures.com/
Valiant - http://www.valiantminiatures.com
Waterloo 1815 - http://www.hatitalywaterloo.it/
Ykreol - http://www.ykreol.com/
Zvezda - http://www.zvezda.org.ru/?lng=eng
A Call To Arms - http://www.acalltoarms.co.uk/
AB Figures - http://www.abfigures.co.uk/ - figures and accessories for WWII
Airfix - http://www.airfix.com/
BUM - http://www.bumslot.com/
Caesar - http://www.miniknight.com/
Coates & Shine
Czech Master's Kits
Dark Dream Studio
Eagle Games - http://www.eaglegames.net/
Empress Miniatures (with shop) - http://www.empressminiatures.com/index.htm - Several ranges at 28mm; WWII at 20mm
Eureka Miniatures (with shop) - http://eurekamin.com.au/
Frank Ziegler
Fredericus-Rex - http://www.fredericus-rex.de/
FreeBooTer Miniatures (with shop) - http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/ - 30mm figures
Germania Figuren
Gunthwaite Miniatures - http://www.gunthwaite.co.uk/
HaT- http://www.hat.com/
Hecker & Goros - http://www.hecker-goros.de/
Italeri - http://www.italeri.com/
Legio - http://legio.miniatures.free.fr/
Linear-b - http://www.linear-b.com/shop/start
Lucky Toys - http://www.toysoldiersfim.com/
Mars - http://www.marsfigures.com/
Miniart - http://www.miniart-models.com/
Miniature Figurines Production - http://www.miniaturefigurines.co.uk/Home.aspx
MJ Figures (with shop) - http://mjfigures.co.uk/
New Line Designs (with shop) - http://newlinedesigns.co.uk/
Nikolai - http://www.diorama-dreamland.at/
Orion - http://figurki.com.ua/
Pegasus - http://pegasushobbies.net/catalog/
Pendraken Miniatures (with shop) - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/ - mostly 10mm figures
Phersuminiatures - http://sites.google.com/site/phersuminiatures/Home
Plastic Soldier - http://www.theplasticsoldiercompany.co.uk/
Preiser - http://www.figuren.de/
RedBox - http://theredbox.com.ua/
Redeoubt Enterprises (with shop) - http://www.redoubtenterprises.com/shop/ - 25/28mm
Revell - http://www.revell.de/en/
Strelets - http://www.strelets-r.com/Index.html
Valdemar - http://www.valdemarminiatures.com/
Valiant - http://www.valiantminiatures.com
Waterloo 1815 - http://www.hatitalywaterloo.it/
Ykreol - http://www.ykreol.com/
Zvezda - http://www.zvezda.org.ru/?lng=eng
terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012
domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012
Silves - mais cavalaria / more cavalry
Nove cavaleiros da Strelets (Caroligian cavalry) para acrescentar à cavalaria do Rei D. Sancho I.
Pode-se argumentar contra o uso destas figuras para o diorama em questão. Afinal, são 400 anos de diferença entre o que está esculpido e o que se pretende retratar. Fi-lo com a perfeita noção disso. O que posso argumentar é que estes seriam nobres de poucas posses, talvez com as armaduras dos avós... Se fossem peões, infantes, poder-se-ia dizer que se armavam com o que arranjavam; sendo cavaleiros já haveria mais imposições.
Nine knights from Strelets (Caroligian cavalry) to add to King D. Sancho I's cavalry. One can say that these are not good figures as they represent an age 400 years before. I'm well aware of that. I can only say that these were not-so-welthy knights, maybe their armor belonged to their grandparents... If it were infantry, one could say they used what they found; I admit that cavalry, or knights, had more restrictions on what they should wear.
Tecnicidades à parte, ficam as fotos. / Technicalities aside, here are the pictures.
Pode-se argumentar contra o uso destas figuras para o diorama em questão. Afinal, são 400 anos de diferença entre o que está esculpido e o que se pretende retratar. Fi-lo com a perfeita noção disso. O que posso argumentar é que estes seriam nobres de poucas posses, talvez com as armaduras dos avós... Se fossem peões, infantes, poder-se-ia dizer que se armavam com o que arranjavam; sendo cavaleiros já haveria mais imposições.
Nine knights from Strelets (Caroligian cavalry) to add to King D. Sancho I's cavalry. One can say that these are not good figures as they represent an age 400 years before. I'm well aware of that. I can only say that these were not-so-welthy knights, maybe their armor belonged to their grandparents... If it were infantry, one could say they used what they found; I admit that cavalry, or knights, had more restrictions on what they should wear.
Tecnicidades à parte, ficam as fotos. / Technicalities aside, here are the pictures.
quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012
Silves - os defensores (the defenders of Silves)
Já tinha 2 figuras pintadas - as únicas que tinha que representavam os mouros (na verdade pertencem a esta caixa) e há dias tive oportunidade de encontrar mais umas quantas do mesmo conjunto numa venda de rua. Além de umas figuras com espingardas, arranjei 2 "gémeos" para os que já tinha. O que até foi bom, porque voltei a pegar-lhes e melhorar alguns pormenores. Pelo menos, penso que melhorei... E também fiz umas bases com escadinhas para ajudar os que estão com o pé no ar. Não devia era ter tirado as bases originais...
Além dessas 4 figuras está também aqui um atirador de funda daqui. Achei que ficava melhor do lado dos muçulmanos.
I already had painted 2 figures - the only figures I had for moors (from here) and some days ago I found some more at a street sale. Beside some figures with rifles, I got 2 twins for the ones I had. This was good as I went back on them and improved some details. I like to think I did... Also did 2 bases with stairs because of those 2 with the foot in the air. My mistake, taking the original bases off...
Together with these 4, also a slinger from here. He fits better along with the muslims.
Além dessas 4 figuras está também aqui um atirador de funda daqui. Achei que ficava melhor do lado dos muçulmanos.
I already had painted 2 figures - the only figures I had for moors (from here) and some days ago I found some more at a street sale. Beside some figures with rifles, I got 2 twins for the ones I had. This was good as I went back on them and improved some details. I like to think I did... Also did 2 bases with stairs because of those 2 with the foot in the air. My mistake, taking the original bases off...
Together with these 4, also a slinger from here. He fits better along with the muslims.
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