O meu amigo Rui Sena, para comemorar os 3 anos de Tempos Medievais, tem estado a fazer um desconto nos seus livros, mas hoje acaba o prazo!!
Aproveitem os 50% de desconto na Loja Online!! Ver aqui.
terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013
segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2013
Remco de Groot is asking for some help passing word on 2013 FIGZ.
So, here it is:
"For those who have a blog (even if you located far away) please add the banner so more people will see it.
It's simple to add, first go to your design mode, add a picture (like you add folowers)
Then copy past the link and the banner url and ready...
banner url: http://bennosfigures.com/figzbanner2013.jpg
And be so kind to include a link in the banner that goes tohttp://figz.nl/en/
Please ask all the miniature figures bloggers to add this on there blog, the more the better
Thanks for your help!"
So, here it is:
"For those who have a blog (even if you located far away) please add the banner so more people will see it.
It's simple to add, first go to your design mode, add a picture (like you add folowers)
Then copy past the link and the banner url and ready...
banner url: http://bennosfigures.com/
And be so kind to include a link in the banner that goes tohttp://figz.nl/en/
Please ask all the miniature figures bloggers to add this on there blog, the more the better
Thanks for your help!"
terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2013
Oh boy, another giveway!!
That's right, I came across another giveway (and I want to win it)!!
Andrew, from Loki's Great Hall (oh how I wish I had given a better name to my blog!) is running a fantastic giveaway for his blog's aniversary!
Check it out!
Mais uma fantástica oferta na blogosfera! Sigam o link para o post vejam como se podem candidatar ao prémio!
Andrew, from Loki's Great Hall (oh how I wish I had given a better name to my blog!) is running a fantastic giveaway for his blog's aniversary!
Check it out!
Mais uma fantástica oferta na blogosfera! Sigam o link para o post vejam como se podem candidatar ao prémio!
quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013
Less painting, more playing
It's all connected!
And still working on it...
terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2013
Log House / Casa de troncos
Inspired by a scratch buit log house, I tried to do the same...
Two weeks now and the thing didn't come out enterely as I planned. It was difficult and, obviously, ended up with some faults on it!
BUT... it's only a piece of scenery, not intended to be a model masterpiece.
We can remove the roof. I still want to finish some furniture.
Pode-se tirar o telhado. Ainda quero terminar alguma "mobília".
This is the major problem. This side's logs aren't aligned when the roof is on.
Este é o maior defeito. Os troncos deste lado não ficam alinhados quando coloco o telhado.
Two weeks now and the thing didn't come out enterely as I planned. It was difficult and, obviously, ended up with some faults on it!
BUT... it's only a piece of scenery, not intended to be a model masterpiece.
Inspirado por um camarada no Facebook, que fez uma casa de troncos de "scratch", resolvi tentar também.
Leva duas semanas e não saiu completamente como planeei. Foi difícil de fazer e, obviamente, terminou com falhas!
Mas é apenas uma peça de cenário, não tinha a intenção de fazer uma obra prima de modelismo.
Pode-se tirar o telhado. Ainda quero terminar alguma "mobília".
This is the major problem. This side's logs aren't aligned when the roof is on.
Este é o maior defeito. Os troncos deste lado não ficam alinhados quando coloco o telhado.
segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2013
Lord of the Rings - GW figures
I have only a few, and some of them were badly painted. Now I have them all ready for a serious atempt.
Moria Goblins, Uruk-hai, Warriors of the Last Alliance, Rohan Warriors and some special characters.
Moria Goblins, Uruk-hai, Warriors of the Last Alliance, Rohan Warriors and some special characters.
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